Knock on wood because this year I was not admitted to the hospital ONCE, well no hospital stays up until the day I wrote this post and trying to keep it that way. I did have a quick ER visit when I had another partial bowel obstruction back in October, but I bounced back fast.
I did have another ovarian cyst, that wasn’t causing any trouble, but because of its size, I had it drained back in November during a simple outpatient procedure. They drained over 850 mL of fluid and everyone was surprised that I wasn’t in pain from it. Can’t explain that one, but glad we took care of it as an outpatient before it caused problems and put me back in the hospital.
We traveled to lots of places, including Savannah, Charleston, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Disney World, Key West (again), and Asheville.
One of my big accomplishments of the year was completing my fourth half-marathon with Team Challenge in Savannah. Not only did I complete another half-marathon, but I also raised over $3000 for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation and was one of the inspirational speakers at the Pasta Party the night before the race. I cried on stage and thankfully my awesome coach saved me by bringing me a tissue.
I can’t write this 2018 recap without talking about getting engaged in April in Key West. We will be getting married next October and we’ve got most of the details and planning done. Some minor things to tackle in the next few months. I look forward to sharing photos of my dress and my experience trying on wedding dresses with an ostomy. Spoiler alert – it was fun!
A few of my favorite posts from 2019
What It’s Really Like to Crap Your Pants
Cheers to a happy and HEALTHY 2019!