I hate commercials for prescription medications. My first problem is that I don’t shop for prescription medications, that’s why I go to my doctor. My doctor is the one who talks about the medication choices I have and then after going over everything we both decide together what I should try. I believe commercials marketed towards a general audience are a waste of time. Despite that, I know they aren’t going away.
My second problem is the commercials are just so stupid. In my opinion, they downplay my disease and I always find that insulting. For Crohn’s Disease, most medication ads show an adult looking at the bathroom with a worried expression on their face. I get that you only have about 30-60 seconds to get your point across, but marketing companies can do so much better.
Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis ARE SO MUCH MORE THAN GOING TO THE BATHROOM!!!
Is it the job of the pharmaceutical companies to educate people on the disease? Yes and no. It’s not their responsibility to raise awareness, BUT I do believe if us sick people are your bread and butter, why not tell our story the right way?
This is what I would love to see in a commercial for a Crohn’s Disease medication (if you have to still make them):
- Someone in pain, like crying on the bathroom floor curled up in the fetal position.
- Someone in the hospital
- Someone looking like shit trying to get through the workday
- Someone crying just because life with a disease sucks
- Someone recovering from the hospital
I think you can easily capture that in 30-60 seconds. I know, I don’t work in marketing so what do I know? But, I am in their target audience. Am I asking for too much? I don’t think I am. Honestly, one of the (many) difficult things about this disease is the lack of awareness around it?
So, pharmaceutical companies listen up. You want my business (let’s pretend I have a choice because your commercials make it seem like we do)? Do me a favor and show me a real portrayal of what this disease is for so many of us. If you have a realistic depiction of what life with this disease is like, you might be able to connect with more patients. Just a thought.
I’m going to pretend that this will make its way to someone who makes these decisions and that I’m not shouting into the void.