- I’ll eat foods that I know are going to cause discomfort and pain. Popcorn is so delicious! (Although I’ve been pretty good at not caving in lately)
- I’m terrible with follow up appointments when I’m feeling well. It’s not always easy to take time off from work to go to an appointment and then drop $50 for a copay.
- I wait until the last minute to order my colostomy supplies. Basically, I place the order when I’m on my last available skin wafer. It’s really stupid. I always have some old backups, but I shouldn’t wait as long as I do.
- I sometimes will downplay or hide a flare-up from everyone and delay getting help for several reasons. Occasionally I’m in denial that I’m sick, or I just have too much to do and try to keep going on as if I’m healthy. Being sick is just really inconvenient.
- I enjoy soda and probably don’t drink enough water. I know how important it is for ostomates to hydrate, but I really enjoy a nice carbonated beverage.
- Occasionally I’ve cheated when I’m supposed to be fasting during a bowel prep and have a few crackers or something. It’s not easy! Shh, don’t tell my doctors.
- I don’t always take my vitamins and I know I should. I just forget.
Nobody is perfect and I am far from it.