As I’m writing this I am currently on Prednisone. One of the many side effects of this harsh medication is insomnia. Before I go to bed I usually take some Benadryl to help me fall asleep and more importantly STAY ASLEEP until my alarm goes off. I keep my Tervis Tumbler next to my bed filled with ice water. I sometimes wake up thirsty in the middle of the night. Also, the moment I wake up I’m incredibly parched.
Side note: I’ve had about half my colon removed, and 80% of your body’s water absorption takes place in the colon. I can easily become dehydrated, to try and prevent that I have gotten in the habit of carrying around ice water all the time. Living where the average temperature is 90 degrees it just makes good sense to stay hydrated.
Here’s my typical morning:
5:45 A.M.
Alarm goes off, ugh. The first thing I do after I turn off my alarm is reach for my water, I wake up thirsty. It is very rare that I have to get up in the middle of the night to empty my ostomy bag, by the time I wake up it’s usually about 1/2 to 2/3rds full. Pre ostomy days my colon usually woke me up and I always ran to the toilet. I don’t have to rush to the toilet these days, but it’s the first thing I do. Empty my bag.
A quick shower will always help wake me up. I don’t drink coffee so I’ll take all the help I can get. I use my Quick Dry Pouch Cover from C&S Ostomy Covers to help dry my bag. I leave it on while I continue to get ready. I love this product and could not recommend it more.
If I skipped the morning shower I will wash my face and then begin to tackle the dark circles. It’s really important that I try and look like a functioning human being. I will first spray my face with Pearlessence Coconut Rose Hydrating Face Mist (found at TJ Maxx). I don’t know what the benefits are, it just smells pretty and I like how it makes my face feels. I follow up with applying body lotion to my legs and arms, etc. I usually use something from Bath and Body Works. I always pick up a new scent when they are on sale. Right now I am currently using Poolside Pop. I’m a sucker for flamingos.
I’m not a big makeup person, mainly because I’m lazy and don’t feel like applying so much. I apply Maybelline Dream BB Pure Skin Clearing Perfector all over my face followed by Neutrogena Healthy Skin Brightening Eye Perfector under my eyes to help my complexion and hide the dark circles. I follow up with some eye makeup and another spritz of the Pearlessence Coconut Rose Hydrating Face Mist to set my makeup.
If I washed my hair I will towel dry it and spray it with L’Oreal Air Dry It Wave-Swept Spray. I love this product and it’s only $3.99. My curls will stay frizz free for most of the day, even in this Florida heat and humidity. Also, the fact that it takes seconds to apply is a major plus. Other days when I’m extremely lazy I will just pull my hair back into a messy bun and try to make it look somewhat presentable.
Once I look presentable I make myself some toast so I can take my Prednisone. You can’t take steroids on an empty stomach, I’ve tried it in the past, not fun. Now I can pretend I’m human and head out the door and try and get through the day.
Thanks for reading this one, I know this isn’t a groundbreaking post, but thought it would be fun to share morning routines and what goes through my mind as I prepare for a day.
There are some mornings where I will sleep in and only give myself 5 minutes to get ready because I just need every extra second in bed and rather just throw on anything and pull my hair back and deal with it. Those days are the worst. Every day is different and I never know what to expect, having the same morning routine helps brace me for whatever might come, especially the moment my body turns on me.