Sooooo when someone comes along, especially some random stranger that doesn’t even know me, offering “friendly suggestions,” it drives me up the wall. Now, I don’t immediately explode because I try to understand that in this person’s mind they are trying to help. They usually have good intentions. Some are just arrogant assholes who think they know everything.
I don’t want to sound like a bitch, but I don’t want your help. I have tried EVERYTHING. I know the tricks. Guess what? Everyone is different, so just because your college roommate’s 3rd cousin’s girlfriend’s uncle has Crohn’s Disease and he tried this flax seed bamboo whatever from Whole Foods and it made him feel better, doesn’t mean it’s going to work for me.
Don’t offer medical advice to strangers. I’m aware I have a disease and I’m constantly in communication with my doctors. You don’t know everything that is going on, you don’t know what I have tried and what I have gone through.
Don’t start telling me that if I eliminate GMOs from my diet I will be cured. Newsflash, that’s complete bullshit. GMOs are safe and if you are into food that is non-GMO, all you are doing is paying more money for a label. Science backs me up on this. Same thing for organic food.
I don’t want you to cleanse my chakras or use your crystals/magnets/magic beans on me. No, no, no. I want you to let me handle this the way I choose. I don’t want that look or side eye that says I’m an idiot for ignoring your unsolicited advice.
Listen, in most situations I’m polite, my mother raised me that way. Just know, internally I’m screaming at you to back away with your nonsense. You don’t know what you are talking about, you only think you do.
So random acquaintance/stranger, leave me be. I’ve got this.