Yes, I have a colostomy, in fact, I’m on my second one. According to the United Ostomy Association of America, currently 750,000 Americans live with an ostomy. I’ve learned a lot about life with an ostomy and in honor of World Ostomy Day, which is tomorrow, I would like to talk about what you can wear if you have an ostomy or might have to get one and are worried.
Here’s the truth. You can wear whatever the hell you want. There is nothing you can’t wear. Do what makes you comfortable. If you want to wear a crop top every day and show off your ostomy, go nuts. More power to you.
The trick is finding a good wrap that you like. My favorite is the classic wrap from Ostomysecrets. It keeps your bag nice and snug, and will hide the bulge. You are now free to wear whatever you want. I know several people purchase maternity bands, I have yet to try that.
Below are some pictures of me in various outfits. Some are more form fitting than others, but wear what you want and what you like. Or, like my last picture suggests, let it all hang out and have fun.