Hi! I’m back!
For those of you who know me and have followed me on twitter for awhile may remember my old blog. Over time I drifted away from it and when I wanted to come back and dust it off I discovered Google had deleted it. Yup, gone. Bummer. So many posts lost somewhere in the abyss that is the internet. Google/Blogger have been no help, so I decided to just start a new one and post from time to time.
The good thing is I can start from scratch. The bad news is I lost a lot of good posts. Oh well, time to move on. Hello WordPress!
Here’s the short story. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease when I was 14 years old. If you don’t know, Crohn’s Disease is autoimmune. Basically, my immune system is stupid and attacks my GI system. Many times during a flare up I need to be hospitalized for a few days. Other times when I don’t respond to medications and treatments surgery is required.
I spent much of my teenage years in and out of the hospital, I thought I had it bad back then. It wasn’t until my early twenties went everything went haywire. I had an emergency surgery because of an abscess on my colon that burst and perforated my colon. A ball of puss exploded inside of me and ripped open my colon. Not enough pain killers in the world for that one. That was the worst time of my life.
Since then I have had 4 more surgeries, two of which resulted in me having a colostomy. That’s right, I’m on my second colostomy. Life with colostomy is amazing, I’ve embraced it and it allows me to live my life.
I’ll get into all that later. Thanks for reading!